Together, we provide support for challenges such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, chronic pain, substance use disorders, gambling by identifying underlying causes and triggers. We help to develop skills and strategies to meet, understand, address and gain control over these causes and triggers.
I am here to listen to your personal story and to help guide you on a path to a stronger and loving self.
Call me at: 905-634-2943 or email me at: Suite 200, 3155 Harvester Road, Burlington Ontario L7N 3V2
framework, I am influenced by modern psychodynamic (especially relational and attachment theory) and family-systems (internal and external) approaches. In addition, I regularly incorporate elements of cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), emotion-focused therapy (EFT), narrative therapy, mindfulness, and sensorimotor (body-focused) interventions into my practice.
• Individual, Couple and Family Counselling
• Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) Individual and Couple practitioner
• Group Facilitator with specific experience in adjustment to illness, life skills, relationships
• High conflict family situations, domestic violence, perpetrator & victim groups
• Program development and facilitation skills based on client needs
• Interdisciplinary team experience
• Mediation with Child Protection, Family and Workplace
• Inner-city multicultural, intergenerational experience
• University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, M.S.W.
• Ryerson Polytechnical University, Toronto, Ontario, B.S.W. (Hon.)
• McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, School of Social Work
• Certified Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapist
• EMDR certified advanced practitioner
• Certified Accredited Family Mediator
• Certified Advanced Clinical Imago couples counsellor
• Focusing Practitioner
Individual, Couple and Family:
– Tailor and Implement appropriate therapeutic approaches including:
– Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), EMDR, Focusing,
– Imago and Relationship Therapy, Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP)
Group Work:
– Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy;
– Facilitate social skill and relationship issues; psychiatric support; perpetrator;
– Parent education and support for parents of children and youth
-Comprehensive Family Mediation including: child protection, custody and access, support, parenting
– Intergenerational conflicts
– Employee/employer disputes
– Develop diagnostic basis for treatment plan
Children’s Lawyers Office 1996 – September 2003
Social Work/Clinical Agent: Child custody and access assessments on behalf of the Ministry of the
Attorney General, representing children in families where the court orders a neutral third party expert to
investigate the needs and best interests of the children.
Family Information Roster Member Facilitator 1998 – September 2003
The objectives of both the parent information program and the family information sessions are: to help
parents understand the common effects that parental separation has on adults and children; to discuss the
stress children can experience if they find themselves caught in the middle of parental conflict; to take
some of the mystery out of family law and the court process and to discuss methods other than going to
court for resolving custody, access and support issues.
Clinical Social Work: Wellesley Hospital 1994 -1995
Collaborated with member of multidisciplinary health team in planning and provision of services to renal
patients and their families provided supportive, adjustment to illness and instrumental counselling.
Social Worker: York Centre for Children Youth and Families 1992 – 1994
Represented families as a member of the multidisciplinary team. Assessment for child/youth and family
dynamics and established need for service. Developed diagnostic basis for treatment plans and provided
that treatment. Facilitated parent education and parent support groups. Liaised with significant others,
agencies and professionals involved.
Parent Worker: Toronto Board of Education 1987-1991
Provided information referral and support to a multicultural, multilingual community of parents and
caregivers of pre-schoolers. Supervised BSW and ECE students. Coordinated a loosely structured daily
routine for a registry of more than 100 families. Developed an intergenerational environment for the above
mentioned community including parents, seniors, caregivers, pre-school and school-age children.
Personal Interests: Pottery, Meditation, Yoga, Family and Friends, Travel, Theatre